the thing that gets me most about all of this is that so many developers here believe, truly, that they are the only people on earth who can write certain things in code. and that because of that, their code is extremely valuable, and should never be found in the hands of another person.

Those same people put their code in public repos on GitHub, with permissive license(s), and don't opt-out of Github's use of their code for things like copilot.

Those same people are now mad at Microsoft because of copilot, and not mad at Amazon for their competing service which does the same things.

> don't opt-out of Github's use of their code for things like copilot.

How does one opt-out, aside from not making the source available at all?

GitHub allows you to opt your repos out if (and only if) you pay for Copilot.

Not true. I just opted out and I do not pay for it.

Care to share how? I would like to opt-out but have no idea how.

I went here was able to do so:

I'm also late to this article, so maybe this was a bug that was fixed.