I don't know why developers are so infatuated with laptops (and at this point I'm too afraid to ask? :)).
But seriously, I need a full-sized keyboard, a mouse, and at least 2 monitors to feel productive.
Yes, I realize you can probably hook those up to a laptop with a bunch of adapters and hubs too, but I also use my machines to game, so...
If I need a mouse and multiple screens I can't feel productive, that usually means the software doesn't have enough support for keyboard shortcuts and window management has too much friction.
> I don't know why developers are so infatuated with laptops
I need a laptop now and then either way, and having two computers means double the cost and more work to keep everything between them in sync. And I switched to a console for gaming, Windows 10 updates pissed me off enough that I'll never touch a Microsoft OS again.
> ... and window management has too much friction.
So, you don't use macos?
I use it with a couple tools like Rectangle which make it usable enough for me. Half the time I'm managing "windows" in Vim and tabs in the browser, and in those the OS doesn't really matter.
The thing that annoys me most is that there's no global shortcut for new terminal windows. It's possible with some weird hacks but never really reliable or fast.
Did you look at skhd?
I found it through the yabai window manager - but I'm starting to think I might be better off with something less ambitious - as macos apis are restricted and yabai needs a lot of privileges to work with screen/desktops :'(
But skhd is very simple and powerful - it can run commands and also insert text (I rebind some keys for brackets and tilde which are annoying on Mac intl layouts).
# open terminal, blazingly fast compared to iTerm/Hyper
cmd - return : /Applications/kitty.app/Contents/MacOS/kitty --single-instance -d ~
alt - k : skhd --text "~"