This is going to sound super ungrateful but...

If they already have the CA stuff ready can they just release that? I don't really care about their auto-magical tool which is meant to reconfigure your server for you. Configuring Apache/IIS etc is not that complex, the only reason I don't have a certificate on my private website is because the certificate costs more than the hosting annually (literally).

Plus I'm never going to run this tool even when it is production ready. I don't trust random tools to reconfigure my system, and would prefer to manually follow tutorials so it is easy to undo every change or at least be aware of exactly what changes got made.

> If they already have the CA stuff ready can they just release that?

While I'm sure they have something ready[0], I'm not sure they have a fully-worked-out policy for running it (required to get into certificate chains), or a production deployment of it, or a third-party vulnerability test of it.

Additionally, ACME verification is a vaguely complicated protocol which will likely need a tool to sign the various messages involved (or you're going to be looking at munging together OpenSSL commands), and you're looking at the developer preview of that.
