I have spent a lot of time trying out backup solutions and I feel strongly enough to write this to stop others from using this. As other commenters mentioned, Duplicati is pretty unstable. I was never even able to finish the initial backups (less than 2 TB) on my PC over many years. If you pause an ongoing backup it never actually works again.

I'd use restic or duplicacy if you need something that works well both on Linux and Windows.

Duplicati's advantage is that it has a nice web UI but if the core features don't work.. that's not very useful.

Also can't recommend duplicati. I never got it to work despite sinking many hours into it using different storage options. Not even local disk worked.

Instead, I'd recommend Arq backup.

It seems hard to find a universal recommendation. I've heard good things about Arq although it didn't work well for me personally whereas ironically Duplicati did, although I'm currently using Restic.

I've had a good experience with Kopia [0] for over a year. Linux and Windows boxes all writing to the same repository, which is synchronized to both B2 and a portable drive every night. The one thing it lacks that I'd like is error correction, so I store it on a RAID1 btrfs system. ECC is apparently being developed [1], but is currently experimental and I believe requires a new repository.

[0] https://github.com/kopia/kopia

[1] https://github.com/kopia/kopia/pull/2308