Every time I see interesting file managers it makes me want to try and like them but I always end up abandoning them after either a few minutes or a few hours. I don't know why. I'm quite sure I could be more productive using a file manager, even a graphical one. But it's been more than ten years that the only file manager I actually use is Bash and the GNU coreutils.

Author of `nnn` here. It would really help if you let us know what you are looking for in a file manager. `nnn` is under active development for more than a year now and we are very open to constructive feedback and feature requests.

two of my most used shell commands are "j" (https://github.com/wting/autojump) and "fd" (https://github.com/sharkdp/fd)

Autojump makes it easy to quickly jump into any directory I've visited and then I can open my editor or Finder (file explorer) from there. Would be great if I can be inside nnn and jump to directories using autojump.

fd is very useful when I want to just directly open a file. I might be in a project's root directory and I'd want to edit a file a few levels nested. Currently I either use fd to locate the path of the file, and then copy paste it into the shell. If `fd` is combined with nnn, I can type in a few letters of the file I expect, and jump to its parent directory, with the file highlighted.

Is this workflow possible in nnn, or can it be written using its scripting?