Where is Msdos utility "ncd"? It was like "cd" but guessed from few character hint where you wanted to go. If the choice was not immediately obvious if offered a menu or a tree. I shortened it to "n". -- There was some linux utility but setting it up was annoyingly tedious, with lots of useless and cryptic options.

I think that's the default behaviour in Zsh or Fish if you press tab.

Probably immediate subdir. What I am talking about is universal jump-to-anywhere.

Like I have subdir "/media/tnoko/sdc1/capture/Roinaa/".

"ncd Roi" should be totally sufficient and unique command to go there.

Notably for this there's autojump[0], z[1] and fasd[2]. More work than an efficient script for sure, but more fancy options around it all. Autojump works pretty well with zsh (and before that with fish) for me.

[0] https://github.com/wting/autojump

[1] https://github.com/rupa/z

[2] https://github.com/clvv/fasd