How much is the speed issue related to the language used? I know Hugo is an order of magnitude faster than most static site generators for example - it's written in Go with e.g. 2 seconds to generate about 10K pages

I would have thought the generation process could be massively parallelised and a typical blog page would only need a modest amount of computation e.g. concat header, footer, pull in body text, resolve a few URLs. I can't help but think about how much work a typical computer game is doing in comparison 60 times per second even without a GPU.

I don’t think it’s a language issue. Even for JavaScript bundlers you have the slow extensible bundle and the “new super fast bundler” that dies in a month because it only fits one use case.

How flexible is Hugo? And how many plugins does someone generally use?

> How flexible is Hugo? And how many plugins does someone generally use?

It processes Markdown, JSON, YAML and SASS, can pull in data files from URLs, and has custom templates/themes, custom macros/shortcuts, image processing and live reload. It doesn't have a plugin system as far as I know but nothing stops you combining Hugo with other tools e.g. run a JS script to pull in and transform a JSON file before Hugo runs.

I think that’s the point. No plugin system. Compare Babel to Bublé or even Sucrase for example:

Preparing data for external use always takes extra effort.

You can build an efficient self-contained tool in JavaScript too.