Functional programming won't succeed until the tooling problem is fixed. 'Tsoding' said it best: "developers are great at making tooling, but suck at making programming languages. Mathematicians are great at making programming languages, but suck at making tooling." This is why Rust is such a success story in my opinion: it is heavily influenced by FP, but developers are responsible for the tooling.

Anecdotally, the tooling is why I gave up on Ocaml (given Rust's ML roots, I was seriously interested) and Haskell. I seriously couldn't figure out the idiomatic Ocaml workflow/developer inner loop after more than a day of struggling. As for Haskell, I gave up maybe 20min in of waiting for deps to come down for a Dhall contribution I wanted to make.

Institutionally, it's a hard sell if you need to train the whole team to just compile a project, vs. `make` or `cargo build` or `npm install && npm build`.

The npm install experience should be baseline for newer languages. Simply let me get into hacking fast. This is one of the top reason I like tinkering with JS because it just works. (Yes, I know all weaknesses of JS ecosystem, but getting is really easy)

I do agree.

I think .Net has got it right. And dotnet-script [] has been a game-changer for me with a REPL-like experience for unit testing and writing command-line utilities.