> I'm not making the server code available now, because it is messy and runs on duck-tape now.
I feel like this is an unfortunately common take. "If it's not widely used, or pretty, or innovative, it's not worth sharing." Chances are I've seen more duct tape on production code than whatever simple hacks you've done to make the server work.
If it works and it's not going to leak your personal data or credentials, just share it. Anybody who's judging you by the state of your repos clearly doesn't understand that coding is iterative and happens better in the open, and is probably safe to ignore. Even if you never get a single star or MR, it's now out there to at least be something people can learn from. And really, all you've done is increase the chances that you might learn from somebody else, or help somebody else out.
Author here. I was actually somewhat worried that someone gonna get to my Pi that has some other stuff running on it, because I am absolutely not doing any security and sandboxing on this nodejs server...
But I guess you made a good point, here you go :) Welcome to the wonderful world of random code copy-and-pasted from Stackoverflow!
I had no idea that Readability.js was available as a standalone library. That’s awesome!