Still no option to export a static site when using next/image without relying on 3rd party services, right?
The only option that comes to my mind is using Vercel to host the site but then every image is transformed on demand which results in horrendous loading times.
Is this really how „everyone“ uses Next when exporting static sites?
Also disappointed by this. Vercel has increasingly been putting out more features that are tucked behind a vendor-lock.
- `next export` when using `next/image` doesn't have a sane default
- Running a custom server means no deploying to Vercel. I understand that one the most, since Vercel has decided to lean on serverless
- Next.js Live can only run on Vercel
I still reach for Next.js + React first when starting a new web project, but have since replaced Vercel with Render because more times than not, I need to run something that just doesn't work on serverless. Been a user and fan since v1.0.0, and have only just started noticing some features that go against the "sane defaults, config available" ethos that seems to be core to the team.
No hate, just observations.
For those who want simple serverless deployment, but don't want to vendor lock in with Vercel, checkout serverless-next.js, it makes deploying to aws lambda@edge directly a breeze, it's awesome![1].