I'm looking at https://docs.astro.build/en/concepts/why-astro/ and I still can't tell what's interesting and unique about this as compared to other options in this space.
I acknowledge that this might be a PEBKAC situation, but I'd love to hear thoughts from people who used Next.js, Remix, or whatever and found Astro to be a revelation.
It seems like Astro's creators believe "content-focused" is a differentiator, but I find that confusing since content-focused sites are a popular use case for web frameworks that are also suitable for more complex apps.
I think it makes the tradeoffs that are ideal for content-oriented sites rather than web apps.
> Next.js uses React to render your website. Astro is more flexible: you are free to build UI with any popular component library (React, Preact, Vue, Svelte, Solid and others) or Astro’s HTML-like component syntax which is similar to HTML + JSX.
> Both Next.js and Astro are frameworks for building websites. Next.js does best with highly dynamic websites (like dashboards and inboxes) while Astro does best with highly static websites (like content and eCommerce websites).
Also Astro sites can be hosted on CloudFront or any another static CDN. Next you’re kind of tied to Vercel no?
If you need backend api functions - https://github.com/serverless-nextjs/serverless-next.js/ AWS Lambda etc. Probably slightly more work I grant you.