Having written a lot of shell scripts, the single greatest thing I've ever experienced is shell-friendly outputs.
For example, consider if ls had a "--shell" option that output each entry as a single line of shell-quoted variables safe for eval:
# cd /usr/share/dict
# ls --shell words
path="/usr/share/dict" file="words" user="root" group="root" size=985084 ...
Then all sorts of things become easy. # eval $(ls --shell words); echo "$size" "$file"
This nushell doesn't really change anything important about this biggest scripting problem. You're still parsing human readable output and it's still dependent on particular versions and options passed.If I had a genie wish of nushell being installed everywhere or even just coreutils having a --shell option I'd take the latter any day.
jc [0] is dedicated to providing this externally for common commands, but I agree that it would be better if command authors built it in as an option. It would make shell scripts shorter, more readable, and less buggy.