
I think this more explanatory than the Lisp. Perhaps that's just me.

Yes, this article shows several different ways to do one same thing, you can't really expect programmers to remembers all this syntax.

from :

> There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

I don't know if common lisp is an "easier" lisp, but I sure would like to have a watered down version of lisp so I can learn its paradigms. I don't even know if that's what haskell is.

I picked Python as its the language I think most easy to write and read. Concise enough without being write-only.

I disagree. You say so because you're used to Python. In Python you need to remember quite a few syntax rules. How many different symbols you need to write a relatively complex program? How many symbols/words are reserved? In LISPs there's much less syntax to remember.

so why am I failing to learn lisp ?

Are you failing to learn it? What have you tried? What's holding you back? I'm offering a free Clojure workshop next Saturday if you're in the Philadelphia region.

Otherwise, I worked through SICP a couple years back, and I found it invaluable to getting familiar with Lisps and functional programming in general.

I remember sitting down one day (before working through SICP) and saying, "I'm great at PHP, I'll probably just be able to write a Clojure project off the top of my head!" Cue clown music as I beat my head against a language much more expressive than anything I'd encountered to date.

It was a few solid weeks of effort before I could get anywhere, but I remember remarking at the time, "if I can learn this well enough, I'll be a wizard!"

sicp is pretty hardcore

I tried reading lisp courses or tutorials, it really did not help. It's either too steep, or it just talks about simple things like adding numbers like (+ 5 9) I'm more into what makes me understand lisp as a better language.

If you're really interested in learning and grokking Lisp, you could do worse than trying to implement it yourself.

Fully working lisp in 10 (easy to not so easy) steps.