A similar language that was created to make creating GUIs more pleasant is Jakt [1] for SerenityOS which is Impressive to see how fast they've been able to develop a pleasant modern native language, went from 0 to rust-based then self-hosting compiler inc. VS Code static analysis & intelli-sense in weeks.

Like most of SerenityOS you can follow much of its development is on YouTube [2]. A good video series that captures the language ergonomics is in the "Jaktness Monster" series which goes through creating a NES Emulator from scratch [3].

[1] https://github.com/SerenityOS/jakt

[2] https://youtu.be/RXp2T_iAhWc

[3] https://youtu.be/47svsnd7HIQ

Any idea what kind of effort it would take to get Jakt working on another OS?

It already can, as it currently just transpiles to C++ it just needs clang to build [1].

Even though it doesn't require SerenityOS, even SerenityOS GUI apps can be ported to run on Linux, Andreas already has ported its Ladybird Browser that wraps SerenityOS LibWeb engine in a QT App [2] to Linux, his last video shows "Abstracting the event loop so Ladybird can be fast & responsive on Linux" [3]

[1] https://github.com/SerenityOS/jakt#usage

[2] https://github.com/SerenityOS/ladybird

[3] https://youtu.be/S8lXroxngYo