give me this for mac os please. my home-rolled dotfiles repo is ok, but id really love some config management system that’s not ansible that i could use to bootstrap my workstations.

i used to write a lot of chef and generally like ruby, but i can’t make heads or tails of whatever progress chef is. mostly seems like chef as an oss tool is dead.

anybody got something else they like to configure their mac os systems with?

Ansible is a little heavyweight for what you want, but if you wrap it in a script and only use the built-in modules, it's probably got everything you need.

Here's the wrapper script:

  ansible-playbook -i localhost, --connection=local playbook.yml "$@"
You run the script with "-CD" for dry run mode, and without arguments for production mode. And here's the docs for the available modules [0].


This is how I set up my Mac as well; just a local connection. Sets up out of box Mac in about 15 minutes and I can keep my two Mac's configs in perfect sync: