Based on your architecture diagram it looks like you're spinning up an instance per-user? As you're probably finding now, you will hit AWS limits quickly.

You might instead want to have a smaller pool of (larger) servers that you run co-resident VMs on with That will avoid account limits and also keep your AWS costs more predictable.

That's kinda nice use case for the WASM machine/linux emulators, then you just need to provide image and user can run it in the browser

> You might instead want to have a smaller pool of (larger) servers that you run co-resident VMs on with That will avoid account limits and also keep your AWS costs more predictable.

I'd imagine (still waiting for it to load lmao) most of it could be containers too.

Someone else linked which seems really neat.

I like making jokes with coworkers about implementing this or that bit of infra with WASM-based tools mostly to get a rise out of them but each time I make the joke I look into some of the tools or projects and the balance of joke to "I'm actually serious" shifts a little bit to the right.