It sounds like the complaints here are operator overloading, global allocator by default, and metaprogramming. I think the value of these features are certainly not objective, but it's not a very compelling argument to avoid a language because of them.

As for optional standard library support, this is actually really common in Rust and is a breeze to support. Just annotating [no_std] basically gets you there libc wise. There's even additional restrictions like [no_core] to remove even more. I believe this should be noted.

I think the author missed an opportunity to really drill into actual pain points like the steep learning curves to c++ and rust, and where/if Zig excels in specific examples.

Rust is also getting configurable allocators soon. Most standard collections will take an additional, optional allocator.

There are also a few people who want to rethink the design of allocators to allow for inline storage. It definitely sounds interesting, but may end up being too complicated.

Do you have a link to the RFC for this? This sounds awesome.

EDIT: thanks to the links below I found this [1] and this [2]



While I don't have an RFC your you (I'm not the same person), here's an interesting thread on maybe tweaking the interface:

And here's the working group's repo: