I have over a thousand notes in Evernote.

One day I noticed that one was missing shortly after I created it. Eventually I discovered that the convenient new-note shortcut was failing every time with a database corruption error - but the error only appeared in a system log I was unaware of. There was no indication to the user that the notes were failing. To this day I have no idea how many notes I lost due to this bug. It was a traumatic experience.

It also sometimes simply doesn't sync for days on end, until I notice and trigger it manually. This leads to conflicts I must resolve manually.

What do other people use that has similar:

- Low-friction global shortcuts for creating and searching.

- Organization (tags and notebooks, or something similar).

- A UI that handles large note bodies well.

- Is at least on Windows, macOS, and Android.

I'd love an alternative, but I've yet to find one. And I don't even use most of its features.

I've been using Trilium[1] over the past two months and I really like it. It's being actively maintained and worked on and is just getting better and better. Although, the Android client is quite limited. There's an app to send notes. You can however, use the browser.

[1] https://github.com/zadam/trilium/