Very nice code quality.
C gets a hard time and this code base highlights some of the modern features C is missing by its use of perfectly clear workarounds. E.g. The prefix “namespacing” done here works just fine, easy to understand. The go-style visibility approach is growing on me lately and it works well here.
C does deserve some of the criticism right enough, e.g. the same macros re-defined in a few places - it’d be nice if c had a better way than its version of macros although its not actually a problem here because the macros aren’t really big enough to have subtle sharp edges.
Ahh a beautifully written project, just shows that maybe C is entirely workable in the right hands.
The nice thing about C is that it's so small that you can hold every corner, nook and cranny of the language in your head. There must be less than a dozen people in the world that can say that about C++.
In general though c++ has some level of feature orthogonality, that is features you don't use will not hurt you. But for large projects, C++ is the saner choice with its builtin library of data structures, templating, namespaces etc..
All these could perhaps be done in c, but why spent a lot of time making this infrastructure if one could spent more time on ones application domain solutions.
In practice though that's simply not possible. E.g. trivial example but you couldn't ever depreciate #include even though we have #import now.
Instead of "fixing" the language, there's written (not enforced by the compiler) documentation - actually the first line is the perfect summary:
"Within C++ is a smaller, simpler, safer language struggling to get out." -- Bjarne Stroustrup
This is great documentation (and many parts are relevant to other languages) but many of its proscriptions cannot be enforced by the compiler so it will always be opt in, mis interpreted or ignored.