I appreciate the author of this library to no end. There is something to be said about software being made in jest.
Other fun software made at least partly in jest (though still quite useful):
eatmydata (https://packages.debian.org/sid/eatmydata) is an LD_PRELOAD library to disable filesystem syncs, to speed up test runs and other cases where you don't care about data integrity (such as if losing power would just mean you run the tests again from scratch anyway).
echochamber.js (https://github.com/tessalt/echo-chamber-js) makes it look like your page accepts comments, displays them to the person who submitted them, but doesn't show them to anyone else.
comcast (https://github.com/tylertreat/comcast) is really helpful for simulating poor network connections. Particularly nice when used in Docker to do network simulations.