So funny this pops up. Last few days I've been wanting a new notes app that wasn't using some database and was files based, plus I feel like other notes app rich text copying and pasting notes can be a mess. Plus a bit unorganized so wanted a new notes app and just copy things over as I need. This one looks pretty prefect for my wants.

I also like how it has both folders and hash tags too instead of being forced to pick one over the other.

Just curious if you had tried Obsidian (

Obsidian really is a great choice if you are looking for Markdown. Windows, Linux, Mac, Android/iOS mobile apps soon. It's polished, fast, and all around a great experience. Flexible inter-note linking (wiki style), visualization, backlink discovery, handles images and embedded documents well. All around a good product.

I'm still looking for something with a cross-platform GUI that I like as much as I liked - but with the same sort of arbitrarily nested hierarchy (with TODOs and the like at any level) and the ability to adhoc rearrange my notes like org-mode provides. The Emacs/org-mode level of customization would be nice, too.

Trilium Notes ( ) was also a good contendor, but not having a text-content-first focus made for some frustrating experiences of data corruption, and testing data export of my initial trial run was messy as a consequence as well.