That is a bit too exciting this early in the morning...

Sorry about that :) Time zones...I strongly prefer Lisping and Forthing after midnight, too much noise on all levels during days.

Yep, I live in the EU but I am in Cambodia now and I love three languages the most; Lisp, Forth and APL. So you know what to do to make me cry and have eternal enlightenment...

Edit; I use Lisp in the form of Clojure daily as well as Forth for embedded. When writing embedded code, instead of assembly (check my profile, the stuff we use definitely has no room for Node but often not even C) I usually port a Forth if one is not available, at least for testing but usually it is good for production too.

You must be my long lost twin ;) I went from Basic, Assembly and then C to Lisp, Forth and then APL, well J [0], but then some APl (Dyalog). I have decided to do all of my work in either Lisp, Forth or J.

I sometimes have to code in Python (there's always Hylang!), but all of my personal interest stuff is in the other three. I am currently going through the 4th edition of "Fractals, Visualizations and J", which is a great introduction to the J language and graphics.

I am trying to make a livecoding ( environment in J similar to oK, but more musical and with webgl shaders [1,2].

I'm convinced the proliferation of using GPUs, distributed processing, and multi-core CPUs are all a good fit for a true array or vector-based language like APL, J, and K. I get more of a functional high on J than in Haskell, and feel like I am writing Math equations after memorizing the 'words' of J, more like operators (nouns, adverbs, conjunctions, verbs, etc...)

Shen is a great mix of Lisp and a typed (optional), lazy (optional) language with great pattern matching that has been implemented on a lot major programming platforms (Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Scheme, Haskell, Common Lisp, Clojure, JVM, and Emacs Lisp) because it runs atop a small set of 46 primitives called KLambda similar to the original Lisp 1.5. If you implement KLambda, and pass the tests, in a given PL, you can then run any Shen program on that platform [3].
