APL is well thought out, battle tested and IMHO a better system. It comes with vector semantics, which simplify a lot of things - but you don’t have to use them.

I use APL daily; I still think Kragen's notation is worth a look. It's important to examine alternative approaches!

Hey, maybe you can help me get APL into my brain? I've been trying to jam it in there for years and it still doesn't fit.

APL and K does fit mine, J doesn't.

Perhaps it would help you to start with K (e.g. https://github.com/JohnEarnest/ok is free, has a web repl with interactive graphics and stuff)

In a way, K is a cross of C and APL; K is the essence of APL minimized to the absolute minimum usable subset, even though less pure; e.g. complex values are not part of the language, and matrices only as vectors of vectors (unlike APL/J where you can have either). It also does away with user defined operators and a lot of other stuff.