Is it actually more powerful than a top of the line threadripper[0] or is that not a "personal computer" CPU by this definition? I feel like 64 cores would beat 20 on some workloads even if the 20 were way faster in single core performance.


My workstation has a 3990x.

Our "world" build is slightly faster on my M1 Max.

The 3990x runs a bit faster on the initial compile stage but the linking is single threaded and the M1 Max catches up at that point. I expect the M1 Ultra to crush the 3990x on compile time.

> The 3990x runs a bit faster on the initial compile stage but the linking is single threaded and the M1 Max catches up at that point.

Isn't linking IO-bound? would suggest otherwise. Massive speedups by multithreading the linker. I think traditional linkers just aren't highly optimised.

> would suggest otherwise.

Does it, though?

I mean, if you read that link you'll notice it boasts the linker's performance by comparing it with cp and how it's "so fast that it is only 2x slower than cp on the same machine."

Is cp supposed to be CPU-bound?