Tauri is such a breath of fresh air for a web developer like me! I picked up Rust because of it, and was easier than I thought (I've read lots of "Rust is hard" articles).

The application I wrote is a Hacker News client with focus on offline reading and listing comments in threads sorted by time and flat, instead of trees sorted by score (which incidentally, also works as a web application which is deployed here: https://ditzes.com/).

I found it helpful when I'm traveling but still want to read discussions, useful for following along threads that are actively being discussed (this submission can be seen at https://ditzes.com/item/31764015 for example) and also useful when using HN comments as reference to something I'm building. Guess I'm also pretty proud that the client is VERY fast, loading 1000 comments in something like 1s (because of the caching). Like this thread for the Coinbase layoffs: https://ditzes.com/item/31742590 (1001 comments)

The Tauri application currently works with 99% of the features of Ditzes, but the mouse "back" button doesn't actually navigate the internal browser back in history with Tauri yet, so I haven't done a "Show HN" yet as I consider that a essential feature of Ditzes (for following along threads via the "View" link) before "launching" it.

The Tauri-part of the source can be found here: https://codeberg.org/ditzes/ditzes/src/branch/master/src-tau...

Overall, besides the extremely long compile times, Tauri has a been a pleasure to develop with, and I'd definitively use it over Electron in the future. Really looking forward to mobile support as well, as then I'll finally have a comfortable and offline-capable HN client for my cellphone.

Overall, besides the extremely long compile times

Out of curiosity: fresh builds or also incremental builds? If the latter, how much of it is linking?

Both :) But what bothers me most, is the slow incremental debug builds. But that's a general Rust problem, although seems extra bad with Tauri.

My project has ~1700 lines of Rust, ends up pulling in ~700 dependencies and changing one line in main.rs takes about ~20 seconds for the debug compile to finish (on a 5950X CPU). Fresh build takes about 1m30s but that only happens on CI, so not really a problem day-to-day for me. Full CI build on Codeberg/Woodpecker takes around 5 minutes from push to release created, but that's including other things too.

I recently developed a similarly sized APP with tauri + rust (3kLOC+~250 deps) and found that using mold[0] as a linker helped quite a bit for incremental builds. There were also a few other bits, like decoupling the build step in tauri from the frontend build, that helped.

[0]: https://github.com/rui314/mold