There’s a huge positive-feedback-loop problem in technology right now that needs to be solved to make projects viable.

Never received even one donation/rating/comment/etc.? Be prepared to wait approximately forever.

Got a few, especially publicly-visible? Suddenly things trickle in faster.

Well-known project with 5000 stars? Here, have more stars. Here, have more donations. Success breeds success.

Meanwhile, wasn’t it shown that crucial infrastructure like SSL had between 1-2 unknown developers? How many other projects are there? How many developers can you name? How many different projects have you donated to? How many “not well known” apps have you balked at paying even $0.99 for?

It’s a problem. There needs to be better ways to vault critical “boring” projects into the well-known category. And, there has to be a way to keep positive feedback loops from ballooning ratings and income for projects simply because they sorted to the top and stayed there.

>Well-known project with 5000 stars? Here, have more stars. Here, have more donations

agree with getting more stars, but donation? not yet :-/ :(