Microsoft's Apple envy continues - additionally hobbled by Qualcomm's indistinguished/2nd rate hardware and disinterested developers.

I’d like to be able to run Windows on mac M series.

Or full-featured Linux, for that matter.

I wish macOS just was Linux.

What more *nix do you want on macOS than is already there?

I can understand from the lockdown perspective (i.e. just give me a Vulkan driver on macOS) but as a polished DTE with a unix terminal I find it pretty decent.

MacOS is great and all but no Ctrl + Alt + T for terminal, no deal.

There must be a way to set up a hotkey for this right?

Not at the moment, I tried everything.

My 2 most important shortcuts: Ctrl+Alt+T for Terminal and Ctrl+Alt+C for VSCode are extremely difficult to achieve on MacOS.

This is why I prefer Linux, it has keyboard shortcuts that are more consistent and freedom that's important to me.

Try this:

If it’s customizable, global, keyboard shortcuts you’re after, skhd should do the job.