While this is interesting I see doing anything but launching programs with simple text-substituted arguments as too much for bash or sh. Run shellcheck on some of your own code, or the code of even a simple project to see how hard it is to really use bash.
Why I think people gravitate towards it is because languages such as python add too much pomp to launching a shell process. A language like perl is usually easier to use but everyone hates it now.
I don’t think it’s pomp. Once I learned Unix pipes and the tools for manipulating data (sed awk cut etc), it just became much faster and easier than writing python scripts that do the same thing. You can literally connect the output of one process to the input of another with a single character. It’s much more complex in python.
It also tends to be very portable.
I think you're reading my comment the wrong way: I meant to say that doing e.g. piping in Python is a lot of pointless work (pomp), as you agree.
This is perhaps one big benefit but not one that is exclusive to a sh-like language. Instead I would like to see a language with strong flow control or metaprogramming capabilities take on processes as a first class citizen. Perl is probably the closest but still has some warts related to redirection.
The best pattern I have seen is encapsulating business logic into Python or Go and then if really necessary piping it to another script. But, often, if you do this you can just keep the piping internal using data structures.
Unix-pattern facilities work very well for interactive use, which tends to be simple, exploratory, and trial-and-error. But a project's build script may not be simple.
It currently has:
* Proper error handling (eg try and catch blocks)
* unit testing and debugging frameworks to help with development and maintainability
* data-type aware, including complex types like how CSV, JSON and YAML are all handled as memory structures and thus the same tools can query any structured data format without understanding it's contents
* while still ostensibly working the same way as a traditional POSIX shell
There's also some work on improving the REPL experience too where I've included:
* automatic man page parsing for flags
* a "tool tip text" like hint line which tells you where commands reside on the fs, what it does, etc. Which is handy if you're trying to debug an existing commend.
* if you paste multiline text into the console you get offered a chance to preview the text before executing it (handy if, like me, you're pretty useless at copy/pasting content reliably)
* a package management system so you know exactly which functions and imported scripts are loaded from which sources (no more "where did that autocomplete suggestion / alias / etc get loaded from?"
There's a few other features like support for events and such like, but they're not yet documented.
The shell is currently beta but I've been using it as my daily driver for about 18 months now. There are still quite a few bugs, plenty of places where code needs to be rewritten for performance and lots of stuff isn't yet documented (though the documentation is pretty good already considering it's only me working on it). So don't expect a finished product. However I do think I'm at the stage where I'm ready for more users to have a play and I welcome PRs, issues raised, general comments and feedback, etc.
# end of shameless self promotion :D