For a more modern approach (that's one of those rare cases where things have gotten more powerful while getting simpler over the years): (by basically the inventor of PBD, which he barely even mentions/brags about).

What is PDB?

Position based dynamics :) With normal `next_pos = current_pos + velocity * dt` schemes you can get instabilities and it can be non obvious how to implement certain physics phenomena. With PBD you basically define a 'constraint' that particles have to satisfy (e.g. rigid lengths become a 'distances between points must be X') and then you solve for a valid configuration in between renders (basically with gradients descent, though you solve for roots so it becomes newtons method).

Interesting! This makes sense to me.

I'm new to physics engines—I just started figuring out how to upgrade my simple grid cellular automata engine to a 2D engine for my toy sim tool ( —and have been surprised by existing implementations, because it just seems not how the universe actually computes. I had not seen PBD before and it seems to be a closer model.

You should check out taichi: They have a ton of great demos for doing physics but check out this example in particular for something related to your project: (Taichi also makes it super easy to write things for the GPU and the kernels are differentiable :).)