I want compiled Python with strong types. All the batteries of Python included. And runs at C speed. Go feels like C and Python had a baby except the baby looks more like C and less like Python.

You may enjoy working with Nim.

Its main drawback is the small number of native libraries available for it, but wrapping and using existing libraries from other languages is a walk in the park.


Thanks, Nim looks extremely interesting. Anyone here used Nim in production?

Also, I am not sure what counts as "in production" but on literally a daily basis I use about 15 different command line utilities I wrote in Nim using cligen [1] (EDIT: Really I have written several dozen but only about 15..20 are useful every day). There are always compiler bugs/things to workaround (as with any language), but Nim has been pretty usable for years.

[1] https://github.com/c-blake/cligen