> Among editors, vim remains king, though we see healthy growth in VSCode adoption at 34.1% (up from last year’s 3.8%). This growth no doubt has been helped by VSCode being one of the first platforms to get support for the Rust Language Server.

This suggests that it would help to have better getting-started guides for vim, and for using it with RLS in particular.

> 10% responded that tools aren’t use mature enough.

I've seen more than one person mention that the fact that RLS doesn't work on stable Rust is a sign of immaturity.

Also, in the context of people who had stopped using Rust:

> The rest of users mentioned [...] were turned away by Rust’s syntax, [...] or had a bad interaction with the Rust community.

Is anyone systematically looking over each of the responses that said either of these, in detail, in order to address them as well as possible?

What I personally did not like is: I'm very minimal vim user, I don't use plugins or plugin managers, I just setup some basic options like syntax highlighting and auto indentation. All I wanted from Rust plugin is to enable syntax highlighting and some reasonable indentation. But it turns out that I must install some kind of plugin manager just for rust plugin and I would receive lots of bells and whistles that I'm not interested, at least while I'm learning.

Actually I think it's the same problem with golang. Last time I used it, I had to browse VCS history of go project, they shipped vim plugin long time ago but then deleted it, I had to recover it from there and install it into ~/.vim/.

> But it turns out that I must install some kind of plugin manager just for rust plugin

It's not well documented, but there's a much simpler way, which I used until recently (newer versions of vim already come with syntax highlighting for Rust out of the box):

Checkout https://github.com/rust-lang/rust.vim and copy everything there except the README/LICENSE/.gitignore to your ~/.vim directory, keeping the exact same directory structure.