Arch for Desktop and a minimal distribution(like BottleRocket/CoreOS) for Kubernetes on servers. Ubuntu/Debian if I want a general purpose server.

I run Arch for my homeserver as well, but that’s mainly because I run Steam on it (alongside Docker for services)

Arch because it’s a rolling distribution, and because it tried to stick as close to the upstream.

Problems: Reboots in Kernel upgrades. I tried Canonical LivePatch on an Ubuntu server, but it rarely patches without reboots. Kernel upgrades end up with too many broken parts - things like docker for eg. I guess I could switch to LTS kernel, but Arch has spoiled me.

Better security model for desktop applications - neither of Snap or Flatpak comes close. I would be happy if this only solved for limited usecases, even. My primary concern is around apps I install from AUR, and dependencies in my code. And browser extensions. Sigh.

Give me LittleSnitch on my desktop.

If you haven't come across it yet - here's OpenSnitch: