I would love to get to a point where my laptop can be managed as immutable infrastructure.

All the big chunks of data are already isolated into redundant partitions, but it’s the system config that’s tough.

I have a time machine backup, but that’s still not the same as being able to say “I’m gonna wipe my hard drive and start over today”.

So does anyone have have good suggestions on maintaining a MacOS laptop in an immutable way?

I experimented with a version of this: https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles. It worked ok. Still had a few things I had to tweak, but if you have a few things you want to keep it's easy. I basically only use a brewfile + a shell script to set a few defaults and some configs for iterm + kitty that I keep in my personal repo. Makes the most repetitive bits a lot easier. The MAS homebrew stuff didn't work too well when I migrated machines so I still had to install some stuff by hand.