I switched from Linux Mint desktop to an M1 Air last year.

Performance-wise, the M1 is very impressive, probably feels about 80% as fast as my 6 year old desktop (that sounds like snark, but it isn't). Meanwhile, the battery life is insane (I've never brought the charger anywhere but my desk, and will often use it for a week out and about).

I opted for the Magic Keyboard and Magic Touchpad, because I had a lot of trouble with everything else.

I could not get a mouse setup that worked (I'm strictly no acceleration, and macOS's acceleration was literally making my arm ache).

I switched because I stopped being a fulltime developer, my main machine was getting old (6 years), and macOS has good MS Office support.

Overall I'd say I'm about 70% efficient vs on Linux, a bit less so when in active development. The mobility makes up for it, and efficiency just isn't as important to my day-to-day for now.

Many of my gripes are listed elsewhere, but things like middle-click paste is something that is easy to write off but was actually a gigantic part of my process. Also, the fact that everything I want to tweak requires buying an app?

I had to pay for an app in order to properly emulate middle clicks on the touchpad! That's bonkers!

I'll leave this final tidbit though:

On Linux:

* Open Spotify

* Press play button on keyboard

* Spotify plays

On Mac:

* Open Spotify

* Press play button on keyboard

* Apple Music opens ??????

>Also, the fact that everything I want to tweak requires buying an app?

I find this is often the case with MacOS, sometimes with open alternatives available.

I wanted windows/linux like window snapping and found a free solution called Rectangle[0], but discovered however they do it was causing mouse lag in games. Apple dev friend investigated into it with logs from my machine and discovered they are "just not doing it properly, go buy bettersnaptool[1]"

Sure enough I go spend $8 on bettersnaptool and all my mouse lag is gone and I've got the tweakable window snapping I crave.

This is often the case it just depends if the open software solution is done "properly" or will have some small bug that may or may not bother you. Rectangle worked flawlessly in every other instance except once I would launch a game, the mouse lag was not present on desktop applications.

[0] https://rectangleapp.com/ [1] https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bettersnaptool/id417375580?mt=...

Rectangle is fully open source, so rather than working with the community to fix the problem you're having (about 1/10th the effort you went into debugging the problem), you instead opt for a paid app? What you do if you were using Linux?
