OCaml is a beautiful language but I haven't seen any big non language projects written in OCaml. Does any one know why? OR do such projects exist and it is only that I am not aware of them?

This is OCaml's problem: it's a great language with no users. ReasonML is trying to solve this by making it more approachable, and they're making steady progress.

There are some really cool projects popping up with ReasonML - here are a few:

- A package manager like NPM, but for native code: https://github.com/esy/esy

- A fast Node version manager: https://github.com/Schniz/fnm

- A fast replacement for dotenv-cli: https://github.com/ulrikstrid/reenv

- A fast JS bundler: https://github.com/fastpack/fastpack

- A native language server: https://github.com/jaredly/reason-language-server

The OCaml language and toolchain is very powerful... and I do believe ReasonML makes it more approachable, at least for a wider audience of developers comfortable with JavaScript-style syntax.