This is completely the opposite of my experience. I've been running Wayland on Pop OS since last year and it has been great.

X11 had horrible tearing on external rotated screens - Wayland fixed that.

Colour temperature changing works.

Screensharing works just fine on Chrome and Firefox. I use it every day.

Screen recording works with Gnome's built in recorder.

I'm sure there are a few esoteric bits which don't work - but I've had nothing but success with it.

> Firefox

Firefox is quite buggy on Wayland, you need to set up some environment flags before launching it, and there's a trove of bugs still open for it.

> I'm sure there are a few esoteric bits which don't work

Like cut and paste between different kind of applications, which is an horrible user experience tbh.

> Firefox is quite buggy on Wayland

Is it? I moved to Sway (a Wayland WM) a few months ago, and run FF exclusively. Hell, I even run Firefox ESR (as provided by Debian), and I've noticed precisely one bug, and it's tiny: the main FF hamburger menu has a vertical scrollbar even if it's got plenty of vertical space left on the screen. Whatever, I use that menu once in a blue moon. Everything else is perfect!

What are you experiencing?

> you need to set up some environment flags before launching it

A single flag! Come on, this is hardly a problem.

> and there's a trove of bugs still open for it.

There's a trove of bugs open for FF in general ;-)

> Like cut and paste between different kind of applications, which is an horrible user experience tbh.

What do you mean? It works fine for me. From FF to other Wayland windows, from other Wayland windows to FF, and to and from Xwayland windows. The only copy/paste behavioral difference I've noticed on Wayland is that I lose the copied data if I close the source program. So when copying from FF, I can't close FF (as a whole, not talking about the window in question) before I've pasted. I can't see that this is an actual problem.

> The only copy/paste behavioral difference I've noticed on Wayland is that I lose the copied data if I close the source program.

This is because sway by default does not provide a "clipboard manager" component. It has been the case for a long time that the clipboard is only actually populated when you paste, copying merely stores a reference. This is so you can copy/paste multi gigabyte files without running out of memory. A clipboard manager component solves this issue by intelligently saving your clipboard as applications come and go.

Got it! Thanks for clarifying.

Honest question: Is this something that people are missing in Wayland?

I personally found it annoying enough to install clipman[0] for my sway setup. Especially with short lived applications like calculators etc.
