> This is fast enough for small repositories, but as the repository increases in size the overhead of parsing these plain-text files to get the graph relationships becomes too expensive. Even the fact that we need a binary search to locate the object within the packfile begins to add up.

From my experience and measurements as the author of `gitoxide` both the parsing of commits as well as the binary search to find the object are negligible costs here. The majority of the time is spent in `zlib` which has to inflate objects and deltas prior to use. This makes me wonder what `zstd` would do to these kinds of workloads.

In any case, the object database decoding performance is the bottleneck when traversing commits, and one can expect to get about 120000 commits per second on the linux kernel pack on a modern CPU core like M1 with `gitoxide`s implementation.

Besides that, I find the explanation of the commit-graph file interesting and how it relates to commit-graph queries. There is so much to learn, and so much still to implement :).

gitoxide is a cool project, but it cant even clone yet:


`gitoxide` can currently perform many of the tasks required, and closing the loop for a full clone with worktree is going to happen at the end of this year.

That said, here is how to receive a pack from the remote and resolve it: `mkdir out && gix -v no-repo pack receive https://github.com/Byron/gitoxide out`.