We make full schematics and board views available to repair shops under a confidentiality agreement: https://knowledgebase.frame.work/en_us/availability-of-schem...

In this case, we didn't see a request for it come in.

Publicly with no agreement required, we were able to share a sub-set of the schematic focused on the internal and external connectors: https://github.com/FrameworkComputer/Mainboard/blob/main/Ele...

Louis has more context on the latter in an earlier video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cJj8PUY0DU

On one hand - it makes sense to push for more visibility - to test the depths of their commitment to right-to-repair.

On the other hand - being overly critical about a new entrant that is attempting to address the right-to-repair market for not getting everything perfect from the get go might send the wrong signals about the right-to-repair market to the rest of the industry.

It seems like a delicate balance might be wise. Having module level repairability for LCD panels, connectors, drivers, memory is a pretty big step relative to the other OEMs.

Perhaps the best analogy would be Raspberry Pi schematics which are also reduced [1] and IMHO, the RPi has generally been a plus for the open source hardware/software community. Similarly I could definitely see Intel having some trade secrets as you get closer the CPU.

[1] https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/rpi4/raspberry-pi-4-reduc...

Yep, we absolutely understand and respect Louis and community members' requests for full schematics, and we appreciate the folks who extend understanding as we work through constraints (including Louis as noted in that last video). We're continuing to make as much open as we can, and we're adding to that list as we go:

* Mainboard partial schematics, drawings, and pinouts: https://github.com/FrameworkComputer/Mainboard

* Expansion Card reference designs: https://github.com/FrameworkComputer/ExpansionCards

* Embedded Controller firmware: https://github.com/FrameworkComputer/EmbeddedController

On the list of things that we are exploring ways to improve on in the future:

* More of the schematics, including of modules beyond the Mainboards.

* Moving to open UEFI/BIOS solutions.