Fastest way I learned was to rewrite an app I was intimately familiar with in the new tech.

e.g. I wanted to move from Flutter and Firebase to Fullstack JS. So I rewrote a 20k lines app in NextJS ( typescript and everything I wanted to try out ).

Not the best way to go if all you want to learn is 1 piece of technology though.

This is the approach I've settled on too.

I'm almost finished my first backend implementation of and now that I've implemented it once I'm very familiar with it and could very quickly implement it again.

It's simple enough to be a short project, but with enough complexity to get you familiar with a wide variety of things you might care to know. One thing I like about it is you can kind of under or over engineer it as much as you want as a way to turn the dial either up or down on exactly how many different aspects of development in a certain language/framework it exposes you to.