Hmm next what, people will abandon Facebook and flock back to thematic PHPBB forums?

(I honestly can't wait!)

I occasionally wonder where forums have gone.

There are communities still out there, but there seems to be no modern forum software? They have either been around forever or, if a bit newer, do nothing without mbs of JS.

Now that activitypub is here, there seem to be half a dozen reddit clones in development. Microblogging and social media are also everywhere, but what about forums? What about topic-centric, lasting conversations instead of hot-topic and people-centric chats with no history?

> topic-centric, lasting conversations

Discourse, Flarum, Talkyard (which I'm developing).

GitHub's new Discussions feature?

Lemmy?, "Building a federated alternative to reddit in rust" (how does it matter that it's a reddit alternative? it can still be topic-centric etc?)