CLI / TUI parsers and analyzers of code. Let's not compartmentalize those into super-complex graphical IDEs.

I'd like to be able to do e.g. `$TOOL functions path/to/` and get a flat list with only names or full function signatures (configurable by CLI switches).

I'd also like to have some pre-baked analyzers e.g. find all controllers in Rails / Phoenix / Laravel / ActixWeb projects. Or all views, templates, etc.

Furthermore, CLI/TUI refactoring please! I want to rename a function, or a module, or even just a local function variable, let me do it!

In general: tooling for massaging source. We need much more of that.

I could see 1 and 3 not being too hard to build using treesitter[0] Too bad, I don't have time to build it
