Reddit user experience is awful. I like the Reddit communities I follow but my god is it annoying af to use it on mobile browser or even the desktop client. I don’t want to install your app. Deal with it, because I’m dealing with it by not using it and I hope more people follow. The app which I’ve tried crashes often, and the video auto play sometimes breaks which is annoying and requires a restart. If I was logged out and login, I get taken to the fucking home tab. Why doesn’t it redirect me on the page I had open, I mean I can understand not being able to code (considering half the other stuff that doesn’t work) the position in the thread I was in, but at least put me on the same thread. Anyway GG no RE, barely use Reddit anymore because of this poor ux.

They had something good and ruined it due to investors squeezing out ad revenue. Shame.

It’s all a cycle. I’m sure something like early Reddit will pop up soon (might already exist).