I started putting together a parts list on sparkfun but many of the authors' recommended components were listed as out of stock with no known return date. I tried to do similar at adafruit but some components would have to be substituted. I don't know enough about electrical engineering and component picking to make the right substitution choice here, and wasn't prepared to commit too much free time to trial and error. My guess is people who do know what to substitute and how to work around any necessary changes here are already too advanced to be an audience for this book.
Seems like bad luck on the timing for the release of this book that components would just be unavailable, or maybe its just bad luck with the worldwide chip shortage.
If a separate manifest of usable parts appears I'd likely dig into this title.
Most wireless weather stations use ISM bands, I used RTL_433[1] to pull the raw data and quite a few popular stations already have the format documented.
Combine with InfluxDB+Grafana+simple polling script/program and you can do a bunch of fun stuff with it. Have the whole thing wrapped with docker compose and just runs in the backgound.