If you're complaining about Linux drivers please do so after using a Laptop that supports Linux (Thinkpads for example). Just like it wouldn't be fair to complain about macOS on a Hackintosh - sound didn't work well and had to patch the DSDT.

> but there are rough edges for the power user.

> I am an extreme power user, ...

> In the end, I was able to replicate most of my macOS power tools setup via input hooks and shell scripts, but it took much longer than it should have.

It's very hard to define who a Power User is. But if you've spent a few years on Linux, you'd be able to do many things faster on Linux than on macOS. For instance, it's easier to automate tasks with shell scripts in Linux than to attempt the same with osascript.

I use macOS only when I'm forced to - because the absolute fundamentals are broken. Finder is unbelievably bad compared to Nautilus, package management is terrible, limited ability to tile windows, not even a simple way to set up an Application launch shortcut out of the box (yeah, can do with Automator).

> But if you've spent a few years on Linux, you'd be able to do many things faster on Linux than on macOS

This may be true, but the article explicitly targets people moving from Mac to Linux, not people with years of Linux experience.

I’m interested why you don’t like Finder. It does the job for me. What do you think it’s missing?

Speaking personally:

* No ability to show thumbnails in folder icons

* No ability to use single click + hover to highlight

* Relative sizing feels way off - everything in Finder always seems to be simultaneously way too spaced out while also being way too small.

* Never seems to remember view preferences properly, and often defaults to confusing arrangements.

* Doesn't like to stay connected to network drives, despite any number of tricks I've tried.

* The usual cut/paste/delete operations being needlessly complicated to perform

I do prefer macOS overall, partly because I'm tired of having to constantly tweak and fix Linux whenever I try to use it as a desktop system, and because of things like iTerm2 and BetterTouchTool.

But I really hate trying to do any kind of real file management with Finder, and most third-party apps I've tried just seem to replicate everything I dislike about Finder.

I fixed the cut/paste/delete stuff here. https://github.com/rbreaves/kinto