Yes "D" is not for disk/drive/device/...

It comes from the DD (data definition) statement of OS/360 JCL, and hence why dd has the unusual option syntax compared to other unix utils

BTW if you are using dd to write usb drives etc. it's useful to bypass the Linux VM as much as possible to avoid systems stalls, especially with slow devices. You can do that with O_DIRECT. Also dd recently got a progress option, so...

    dd bs=2M if=disk.img of=/dev/sda... status=progress iflag=direct oflag=direct
Note dd is a lower level tool, which is why there are some gotchas when using for higher level operations. I've noted a few at:

You don't have to wait for updates to newer versions to get dd to report its progress. The status line that dd prints when it finishes can also be forced at any point during dd's operation by sending the USR1 or INFO signals to the process. E.g.:

    ps a | grep "\

    pkill -USR1 ^dd
It also doesn't require you to get everything nailed down at the beginning. You've just spent the last 20 seconds waiting and realize you want a status update, but you didn't think to specify the option ahead of time? No problem.

I've thought that dd's behavior could serve as a model for a new standard of interaction. Persistent progress indicators are known to cause performance degradation unless implemented carefully. And reality is, you generally don't need something to constantly report its progress even while you're not looking, anyway.

To figure out the ideal interaction, try modeling it after the conversation you'd have if you were talking to a person instead of your shell:

"Hey, how much longer is it going to take to flash that image?"

The way dd works is close to this scenario.

>I've thought that dd's behavior could serve as a model for a new standard of interaction. Persistent progress indicators are known to cause performance degradation unless implemented carefully. And reality is, you generally don't need something to constantly report its progress even while you're not looking, anyway.

Progress bars by default are also garbage if you are scripting and want to just log results. ffmpeg is terrible for this.

> Persistent progress indicators are known to cause performance degradation unless implemented carefully.

Are you referring to that npm progress bar thing a few months back? I'm pretty sure the reason for that can be summed up as "javascript, and web developers".

Anyway, he's not proposing progress bars by default, he's proposing a method by which you can query a process to see how far it's come. I think there's even a key combination to do this on FreeBSD.

Or, for example, you could write a small program that sends a USR1 signal every 5 seconds, splitting out the responsibility of managing a progress bar:

% progress cp bigfile /tmp/

And then the 'progress' program would draw you a text progress bar, or even pop up an X window with a progress bar.