Can anyone explain the fingerprinting issue, unrelated to cookies. Visit any one of these many sites that show you what your browser knows about you, it doesn’t matter if using Firefox with fingerpring blocking enabled, the site reveals a tremendous amount of information in your fingerprint. Firefox doesn’t stop any of that, despite its settings that purport to do so. It's always the same information, not scrambled or randomized, from site to site.

Firefox’s default anti-fingerprinting is just a blacklist of common fingerprinting scripts.

It is incredibly difficult to make a browser fingerprint non-unique. Only the Tor browser has strict enough settings with a large enough user base to overcome fingerprinting.

If you don’t want to use Tor, try these:

- uBlock Origin (which has a larger blacklist of fingerprinting scripts)

- Enable the privacy.resistFingerprinting setting in about:config to make your browser more similar to other users with that setting enabled (but not entirely non-unique)

- The nuclear option: arkenfox user.js [1]. It’s github repo also contains a lot of further information about fingerprinting.
