I don't care about being anon, but I don't want all my info sitting in databases, so I've made done the following and trying to evolve over time and fix gaps that I currently have. This is things I've done...

* Use Brave browser with ublock origins and privacy badger

* Use pihole + unbound to resolve my own DNS and do not use google

* Run wireguard on my home network that I connect to when I'm out and need to use wifi

* Be anti-google as much as possible. I'm still in the process of this, i'll switch my domain based email off of google soon

* Be anti-facebook and delete all accounts (whatsapp and insta included)

* Be anti-reddit

* Be anti-cloud and host everything internally as much as possible (except for encrypted backups, say for video cam footage)

* All of my home automation is local and blocked from the internet. If I want access, I'll connect to my VPN.

* Use signal with disappearing chats to communicate with my friends.

Still a lot to do, but it's a start...

I believe Brave browser has fallen out of favor but I'm not an expert on why

Interesting. Please let me know if you have a better alternative. Ideally I'd like to just run chromium but then I have to build it myself or use some build by some untrusted person so I've decided I'll trust Brave for now...

Aside from Tor Browser, Firefox with arkenfox/user.js is ideal for privacy [1].

Chromium-based browsers like Brave are ideal for security [2].

An ideal solution for privacy and security would be running Firefox+user.js in Qubes OS [3], or for even more anonymity, Tor Browser in Qubes-Whonix [4]. However, even this isn't bulletproof, and a 3 letter agency can still determine who you are with techniques like keystroke deanonymization [5] or other techniques [6] like traffic analysis. Tor is also not reliable for anonymity because the project is kind of a shitshow [7], so there's really nothing you can do to truly hide.

[1]: https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js

[2]: https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/firefox-chromium.ht...

[3]: https://www.qubes-os.org/

[4]: https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes

[5]: https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Keystroke_Deanonymization

[6]: https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Warning

[7]: https://www.hackerfactor.com/blog/index.php?/archives/906-To...