Serious question: I love FF because of many reasons, but "additional voice at the web standard group" is quite far down the list for me. The top reasons I'm using FF right now are the features, namely high customizability on everything, TreeStyleTab, Picture in Picture mode with subtitle support, container tabs, all the privacy stuffs, and so on. How hard is it to have all these features with another engine like Webkit or Blink? Would there be a chance of FF keeping these features but switch out the engine it uses so that it takes less engineering effort to maintain?

Firstly Mozilla is never going to switch to Chromium engine because it'd indicate giving up most of what makes it unique. Second to redo all their unique features would take a number of years, particularly all the privacy aspects that the Tor Browser relies on. Compare it to Brave for example, they've had years to work on their browser and it's not got any of the aforementioned Firefox features and a fraction of the privacy ones.

Brave has even better privacy and anti-fingerprint measures than Firefox

Brave has more privacy feature out of the box. LibreWolf which is Firefox with changed settings is superior. besides the site only shows if a privacy feature is present not how good it is.

Please correct me if I am wrong, have not followed LibreWolf for a while. I did try it out for a bit. I believe they are just implementing some facets of the custom user.js [1] and custom policy files and then changing where cache files are stored.

I was not a fan of their cache location changes as I had to write custom rules in bleachbit [2] to vacuum/compress/clean database files created by LibreWolf. In a weird way I think they made their browser less private with that move as not everyone is going to write custom bleachbit rules.

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