Is there some Unix-ish tool to generate these TOTPs on a laptop? I don't like to keep the 2nd factor on a small mobile device that is easy to lose. So I ask about a laptop tool.

By Unix-ish I mean something that is small and does one thing well. Like pipe in a secret to it and it gives me a TOTP? Pipe in multiple secrets and it gives me multiple TOTPs? Then I don't have to remain beholden to a custom encryption format. I can encrypt my secrets with other Unix-ish tools, decrypt it, pipe it to this tool and get my TOTPs. Recommendations?

Several options...

Not exactly the same, but if you're using Bitwarden (which is compatible with generating TOTP tokens) to manage your passwords, you can use their bitwarden-cli tool to request tokens from the cli:

But if you want the simplest cli thing, you can probably can use this golang ( ) or this python ( ) implementations.