Most of this post is just speculation like "I seriously doubt it will work well in an average cafe though" without much substance. Either test it or report on it, or at least discuss its shortcomings based on some technical merits. And frankly I don't care how well it works on "spotty café wifi". If the wifi sucks I wouldn't sit there and work anyway.

As for the language server protocol, nothing stops IDEA from doing the same. But while technically cool, it really doesn't matter as long as my programming language of choice works. I don't care how it works. In my anecdotal example, the community made Elm plugin for IDEA was even for a long time miles ahead of the one for VSC.

One of the things that baffles me is the rust-Lang support.

Rust-lang has an official dual-licensed MIT/Apache language server protocol implementation (RLS) under active development. In my view it’s currently a better experience than the custom IntelliJ one.

Instead of collaborating though I see IntelliJ continuing on the path of their custom implementation. Every week RLS gives an update on their progress and so does IntelliJ on their rust plugin, but it just seems like so much duplicates effort.

> Instead of collaborating though I see IntelliJ continuing on the path of their custom implementation.

I haven't checked in a while, but RLS was sub-par for a long time (feature- and latencywise). Tight integration has its benefits if you can afford it (and apparently they can). So I guess as soon as they can get the same properties from RLS as from their own implementation they'd switch. But if it meant having to rewrite a lot of stuff that suddenly also becomes available to competitors that seems like a dumb move.

Their code is open source (if tightly linked to their codebase, of course)